Who is Jerry Springer's ex-wife Micki Velton and their child, Katie?

Publish date: 2024-07-09

Jerry Springer led a very famous life before his death on April 27, 2023. But his ex-wife and his daughter, have largely stayed out of the public eye, despite his decades-long success.

He married Micki Velton in 1973, and the pair welcomed their daughter Katie into the world a few years later. 

Springer hosted the smash hit 'The Jerry Springer Show' for 27 years, becoming America's guilty pleasure for wild and raucous TV moments.

He married Micki Velton in 1973, and the pair welcomed their daughter Katie into the world a few years later

He married Micki Velton in 1973, and the pair welcomed their daughter Katie into the world a few years later

Jerry Springer led a very public life before his death on April 27, 2023. He is pictured here in 1999

Jerry Springer led a very public life before his death on April 27, 2023. He is pictured here in 1999

Who is Jerry Springer's ex wife Micki Velton?

Micki Velton and Jerry Springer met on a blind date in 1969, and the pair got married in 1973.

At the time, Springer was elected to the Cincinnati City Council - a role he resigned from in 1974 when he admitted to soliciting a prostitute. 

But the scandal clearly did not rock his relationship.  

Spring and Velton were married for over two decades before divorcing in 1994.  

Read More: A life that belonged on his own show: Born during the Blitz in London, ex Cincinnati Mayor Jerry Springer served as ringmaster for America's dark side... but his own sex scandals eclipsed even his most wild guests 


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Why did they divorce?

It is unclear why the pair divorced - but it came around the time that Springer's TV career started to take off. 

Both parties have kept quiet since they went their separate ways.

Springer did not marry again. 

How many children did they have? 

Micki and Jerry shared one daughter together, Katie Springer.

According to Celebsuburb, Katie was born in 1976 and is deaf and blind.

She is reportedly a teacher living in Chicago.

In 2006, she gave an interview to Access Hollywood where she praised her mother and father for the way they brought her up.

She said: 'I will stand up to anyone verbally who attacks my dad, because he's wonderful. Honestly, it's a shame he wasn't born in America, because he would make one hell of a president.' 

Katie is married to Adam Yenkin, and she has a son, though little is known about her life.  

Katie Springer (right) and her husband Adam Yenkin (left)

Katie Springer (right) and her husband Adam Yenkin (left)

Springer hosted the smash hit 'The Jerry Springer Show' for 27 years, becoming America's guilty pleasure for wild and raucous TV moments

Springer hosted the smash hit 'The Jerry Springer Show' for 27 years, becoming America's guilty pleasure for wild and raucous TV moments

When did Jerry Springer pass away?

Jerry Springer died at age 79, just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, his family revealed on Thursday.

The legendary TV host passed away 'peacefully' at his home in Chicago after his health took a turn for the worse, a spokesman for his relatives said.

Tributes have flooded in for the 'irreplaceable' talent, with his family adding that his 'heart and humor will live on.

Megyn Kelly and Piers Morgan led the tributes for the star, calling him an 'intelligent, warm' and 'funny' man.

Springer hosted the smash hit 'The Jerry Springer Show' for 27 years, becoming America's guilty pleasure for wild and raucous TV moments.

He also had a wide-ranging political career, even becoming the mayor of Cincinnati in 1977 - and even considered a run for Ohio state governor.
